Sunday, June 10, 2018

Eid Al Fitri 2018 Makeup Inspiration

Hello Gorgeous, how's your fasting month? Well, finally the eid al fitri day is around the corner! Yup, this week we're facing the celebration. What do you usually do on eid al fitri holiday? Traveling the country (or around the world, take me please! ;p), halal bihalal to your family and colleagues, or just enjoying the holiday at home? Whatever you do on the day, I'm sure you're enjoying the celebration! 

On eid al fitri day, we're all meeting our family from all around the world. Everybody come to eldest house for "silaturahim" or "halal bihalal", meet the family, and of course enjoying tasty meals together. So what's behind the tradition of "halal bihalal"? It seems like only Indonesians have this tradition, since its purpose is to find harmony by forgiving each other. Maybe, some other countries also do this kind of celebration, just in a different way or named it differently. The tradition was found years ago in Indonesia, to end conflict. 

Well, whatever reason behind the tradition, let's just enjoy the day, shall we? 

Looking pretty in such a great day is a must, right? Most of the women wear some beautiful outfit (even often they buy something new to wear, to look pretty). Buying new stuff is not wrong at all, if you have money. But for me, it'll be great if we can use the money to just help people around us, like doing charity for example. It'll be more useful, well this is only my opinion. I know you can think differently, so take it easy. 
[TBSBEAUTYBAE 2nd Beauty Box]

Here's a makeup inspo for you who wants to look pretty, on such a great day. This one's very simple and easy to do, so everyone can do this even for you who rarely do full makeup. Hopefully this can be your inspiration for the day!

What I used :
The Body Shop Brow Sculpt 3 in 1 Contouring Brow Pen
The Body Shop Mini Brush Kit
The Body Shop Down to Earth Eye Palette
The Body Shop Smoky 2 in 1 Gel Liner (in Brown)
The Body Shop Lash Hero Fibre Extension Mascara (London Jet)
The Body Shop Contour Palette
The Body Shop All in One Cheek Colour (03 - Flushed)
The Body Shop Matte Lip Liquid and Shine Lip Liquid (Cherry Gum 04)

The Body Shop Make up Setting Spray
[inside TBS beauty box]

I wanna do a mini review behind the makeup :
Why choosing The Body Shop to accompany me during a special day? Well, this brand has stolen my heart for sure. I always love their product since they're against animal testing and cruelty free. Can you ever imagine, to look pretty with makeup, the product that you're using comes from hundreds or even thousands sacrifice of animals life? Well, as a pet owner, I'm totally against that. I have a dog and turtle at home (don't ask about the turtle, I love turtles since junior high, we can have a good chit chat with turtles, you know. It's my secret between me and my turtle bf who always accompany me 24/7.) Also, the product that's 100% vegan, yes I adore vegan products. My grandmother is also a vegan, so I appreciate if there's a vegan brand. Feels like we're doing good deeds for the earth, for a better place, said Michael Jackson.

As you can see above, all of their products mostly a 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 , which is very useful (I love practical stuff, helps me reduce time and storage lol, living with Kaizen in my life). My favorite is brow sculpt and the palette, we can explore lots of makeup style using it. Simple and easy makeup like this, yet we can still create bold makeup. The lash hero, well it's really a hero to me! It helps me getting a real lash without extend or falsies.

Watch more about the makeup tutorial on my youtube channel :

Happy holiday, and enjoy every moment, babes!

Find out more about the product at :

Catch me at 


  1. Daaan saya selalu iriii sm orang yg pinter bgt make up..efek ga pernah makeup mbak, cuma skinker doang itupu males innalilahi..

    Look so gorgeous!

    1. jangan iriii.. hihi belajar mba, itu skincare udah bgs karna materi makeup yang paling penting ya bahan dasarnya.. makin sering makeup makin jago, percayalah pada pepatah "practice makes perfect" hehe :) semangat!!

  2. Cantikbangett, pgn belajar makeup juga dari sini untung2nya banyak tutorial2 juga
