Wednesday, March 21, 2018

[REVIEW + HACKS] : Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful with Virgin Coconut Oil

Hello gorgeous! I'm back with another great insight in this article. Excited enough to read this? Let's jump right in!

Being our own kind of beautiful means being who we are from the inside first, then translating it onto the outside of our bodies. It requires to develop the inner you. Do you know what you love? How's the influence of everyone else in your life and style? Those are two important questions you need to answer first, to determine if you're trying to live under someone else's definition of being beautiful instead on your own skin. Don't mimic other beautiful people. Just because they're popular and people like them. 

To live our own kind of beautiful, we have to do things regardless of how they'll make us perceived by the society. It is living the way you know that you should live it, without worrying who stays or who leaves your side. Simply put, being your own kind of beautiful is living as yourself in daily life! 

Well, inner beauty also needs to be enhanced with outside of our body, right girls? So here it is, the 100% organic virgin coconut oil to fulfill your beauty needs. When I was having a graduation holiday, I spent a whole day to create a hand made coconut oil for my needs. It took a lot of coconut to get only a small amount of the oil. Of course, a lot of effort too. It was all worth to do since the organic stuff is really does a good job onto my skin and hair. 

Worry no more, now Coco Beauty has prepared a 100% organic Virgin Coconut Oil for us. It was hand crafted, prepared from small batches from fresh, wild coconuts on the mineral rich and beautiful Balinese Island of Nusa Penida. Can you imagine the beautiful beaches there? Just imagining it made myself want to go there for holiday. So the VCO is extracted by the most natural of processes to retain a higher level of anti oxidants, vitamins, and minerals. I believe this has the most natural process of creating a VCO compared to others. 

Here's the packaging (I have 5 variants - full set from Coco Beauty) 
The variants are :
-Cherry Berry (VCO with strawberry, grapefruit, and cherry blossom
-Sugar Baby (VCO with passion fruit and greentea)
-Hug Me (VCO with lemongrass and ginger)
-Pink Spice (VCO with Sandalwood, cinnamon, and pink grapefruit)
-Posy Babe (VCO with champaca, patchouli, and whitemusk) *my favorite
It came in a beautiful white box - I love how simple the design they made yet still looks elegant. Unfortunately the box was a paper made (I believe this has a good insight - for an easier process of recycling maybe) but it made the inside separator easily ripped. The box itself is sturdy so the product inside didn't get affected. 

Move on to inside box, they comes in small boxes. So for you who wants to buy these products, it doesn't have to be full set, you can get it only one piece or few bottles in the aroma you want. The small boxes have the same design as the big box covering them, and it comes in thick paper. 

Next, for the bottle. It comes in a small handy bottle which I can say very suitable to bring everywhere, for traveling or even just simply sleepovers at your boyfriend. Since it's more like an everyday product, we can bring it everywhere we go. This glass bottle looks super simple yet elegant, with the same design as the boxes. It has their variant name on the bottle and also on the box, so it makes us recognize easily. It comes with a spray bottle cover, makes us apply it easily anywhere we want to. Just spray and spread!

For the aromatic, well I can say the VCO aromatic is still stronger than those variants. Not in all variants, like for Posy Babe it has a strong aroma of the fragrance. But for some variants still have stronger VCO aroma. It's a good thing if you like a coconut aroma. Since I'm more into neutral side, so it's fine for me. But if you want something that has strong fragrance, then you might want to reconsider or use fragranced-products for washing the VCO. 

Here's the functions of VCO :
1. Make up remover - works just as well as cleansing oil, even better for your skin since this is a 100% organic product.
2. Eyelash conditioner 
3. Massage oil - one of my favorite, this makes you feel warm ,loved, and also relax with the aroma. 
4. Skin moisturizer - works really well if you have dry skin, just like other oils. This makes your skin moisturized and hydrated.
5. Bites, sores, itches, rashes
6. Face oil - to complete your skincare range
6. Hair oil - you can spray this oil onto your hair, then do a simple massage by yourself, then rinse off with shampoo afterwards. It makes your hair smooth and shiny!
By the way, I'm wondering if I can use it as an oil-fragrance too ? ;p

My favorite-thing-always-do is hair oil as my hair mask weekly routine (do this twice a week). I spray this while watching youtube or K-dramas, then enjoyed massaging myself while watching those fun, wait for 15-20 minutes, then rinse it off with my favorite shampoo. Voila! You'll get a pretty smooth and shiny hair just like mine.
[me using Cocobeautyasia Virgin coconut oil as hair care routine]

Oh anyway, if you purchase COCO beauty natural moisturizer you are also helping to support the communities on Nusa Penida. 5% of all sales go directly to the community. Available in handy, hand bad, anywhere take sizes, these practical moisturizer are stunning and stylish. 

Overall :
(+) perfect size
organic and hand made
nice aroma ( at least for me )
multi functional
nice design

(-) no expiration date

Packaging : 4.5/5 (please work with the box material)
Aroma : 4.5/5 (you need to improve the fragrance)
Performance : 5/5
Recommend/repurchase : YES.

Price : IDR 50.000 (Currently they're having a discount, you can get a single bottle only for IDR 40.000)
Size : 12ml
BRING BACK THE BOTTLE! Bring 5 used VCO from Cocobeautyasia and you'll get FREE one bottle of your choice! Let's take a good care of our earth <3


  1. Wah banyak juga ya manfaatnya dan bisa untuk seluruh badan ya. an dthe price really affordable ^^

    The Wonderland by Kartikaryani

    1. iyaah, bisa buat sebadan (+rambut jugak), selain affordable juga sekalian develop desa nyaa so you're doing good deeds gitu :D

  2. Sumpah, aku langsung buka tokopedianya :D
    suka banget sama coconut oil, dan ini pricenya masuk akal... Thank you Jen

    1. wihiii ada yang langsung belanja ;p iyaa pricenya reasonable 40-50k/botol buat organic vco mah :D

  3. Aku lagi cari ini buat pijet anakku. Kayaknya oke deh. 50ribu perbotol kan mayan murah ya. ��������

    1. iya enak banget buat pijet, dan wanginya bikin relaxing. iyes murah :D

  4. Ih menggoda banget Jenn!! Cuss ah mau liat di shopee

    1. hihi iyaa vik, cus dicek dibeli ;p mumpung diskon

  5. Duh kece yaa, produknya serbaguna, jd pengen 😍

    1. hehe iyaa beb, enak gitu jadi beli 1 bisa pake buat sebadan yakaan

  6. oil oil di bidang health and beauty kayanya lagi hype banget yaa, btw aku salfok ke idungnya xD

    1. iya nih lagi hype banget yang namanya oil2an hehe, waduh napa atuh idungnya wkwk

  7. Belakangan kayaknya VCO lagi mulai hype ya..
    dan ternyata manfaatnya bejibun.. gak heran org mulai lbh aware..
    kyknya boleh dicoba nih..


    1. iya.. kayanya hype karna orang2 mulai menyadari kehebatan VCO hehe drpd pake yg chemical2 yakan

  8. Wih sekeren itu kemasannya harganya 50.000? Jadi pengen cobaaa nih.

    1. iyes, dan skrg lagi promo jadi 40 ribu , cus banget yakan :D

  9. Vco itu bener-bener multifungsi, ya. Box nya juga eye catching~

  10. Wah murah banget hotelnya, mau ah nyobain VCO ini, thank you for sharing

  11. Lumayan mahal juga ya dibanding produk lainnya, eh tp ada yg bilang VCO jg bisa bikin kering loh :( mohon pencerahan..

    1. justru ini buat jaga kelembaban beb, mungkin yang kering itu dia ada mix bermasalah dengan produk lainnya ga? hehe soalnya di aku samsek ga bikin kering :D

  12. Multifungsi juga yak VCO ini lagi hitz nih pada pake ini ahaha

  13. ihhhh kok bagus bgt ada wangi wangi macem macem

    1. iyash ku suka banget ama wanginya :3 bahkan yg wanginya soft (banyakan wangi vco nya) kan kayak kelapa gitu ya bikin laper pengen makan biskuit roma wkwkwk
