Hello gorgeous, welcome back with me again!
How's your Christmas celebration, hope they're all going just fine and really well, of course lots of blessings and happiness for you and your family! To celebrate this big day, we usually have a family gathering, lunch or even dinner with the loved ones, right? Me too, I'm having quality time during Christmas lunch with my family (even though not all of us celebrate Christmas, some of my family are Buddhist) but we all celebrate the precious time and togetherness. Right after having lunch, we continue with watching movie and of course had a lot of fun thanks to Ernest Prakasa who made the movie named "Susah Sinyal".
OK enough with recaping my Christmas day, let's get back to the track. Gathering with our loved ones might be at home, restaurant, malls, or everywhere. Of course we can look whatever we want to, but still our look have to be neat and pretty, right? Not too much because it will look awkward but not too least since it's a big day! So here's the makeup I use for Christmas celebration, and there's some review and mini tutorial here. Read this post till the end to find how easy to make this simple natural look!
There are three products that I use for this look using Canmake, they're BB Foundation, Trio Eyeshadow and of course Lip and Cheek gel.

First let's talk about eye makeup. What I have here is the trio eyeshadow from Canmake, with color : Red, brown, and light pink. At first when I tried to do some swatch then it looks like they're pretty pigmented. But then after some blending the color kinda reduced and left more of glitters than the pigment. That's why I tried to put some concealer on my eyelids, blend them in, then put those eyeshadows. Voila, you get those pigmented colors! This is the key, I guess. The color will pop out once you use some eyeshadow base or in this case, I'm using concealer.
Here's what I got after some blending. The colors looks super soft (which suits natural makeup look) and of course, since my eyes are narrow it looks like this one. Yes, I'm chinese and that's why my eyes are narrow. It always look this natural and I'm loving natural look as well! It's the best look we can wear since we can wear it wherever we want, every single day, right?
[happy kid pose]
Then here's what I got after using the lip and cheek gel (in pink) on my face. I put those pink gel onto my cheeks before setting it with powder, and it looks just like my natural blush, sweet! As I'm applying those pink gel onto my lips, they look like natural pink as well. After that, I set my under eye with Canmake BB Foundation (powder) using the puff I get from the packaging, after that I just use powder brush to apply the bb foundation powder all over my face, slightly.
Here's the result, so what do you think? Here's the Natural Glam Japan Makeup Look by Canmake.
Move on to the review, here's what I wanna talk about :
[Canmake BB Foundation Powder]
Well let's start from the packaging. For all these products from Canmake, I can say that they made me fall in love at the moment I see them. The packaging are all too cute to be rejected. The color, designs as well are super cute! As for this one, I thought it was a BB Cushion but then I realized it was a foundation powder. Move on to the product, this one's the best I can recommend out of the others. This one, does a medium coverage (you'll get to cover the acne and stuff) especially when you apply it with the sponge inside the packaging. But then, even though this is a foundation powder you'll need some bbcream or foundation as a base. Or else, this foundation without those stuff will only do a good job for a few hours on oily skin. With the foundation, it doesn't have any symptoms of patchy and stuff, it did a good job throughout the day when I use this.
[Canmake lip and cheek gel]
The packaging is the best! Comes in pink cover, this one's packaging is my favorit. It even have a mirror inside it, super compact right? Since it's a gel, it makes a more natural effect onto my skin. It looks like my natural blush if you see this by eye, but on camera it will look less pigmented than it really is. I love how natural it is onto my skin. But if you want something more intense, you might wanna try the red one.
[Canmake Trio Eyeshadow]
This one, well the packaging is as cute as the others. But it doesn't have any mirror or brush inside it, so when applying onto my eyes I only use my finger. It does a good job if you use some base before. Also, it's super easy to blend in (you'll get more glitter than pigmentation if you blend in hashly) but if you want some intense eyeshadow you might don't want to blend too much. This red one, also can be used to top your blush to look even more fresh :)
Overall. I might rate them 4/5
Packaging is good, need to improve their pigmentation
They're also pricey, all these three costs around IDR 500.000 (I don't know if you buy it overseas will be cheaper or not)
Repurchase : Maybe the foundation powder
Thanks for reading, i'll see you girls on next posts!
waduh lumayan juga ya harganya hahah tapi bagus banget tuh warnanya sukaa
hmm lumayan pricey ya 3 itu 500rb ,tapi sukaa sm blush nya mau beliii .
ReplyDeleteLuv your post !
iyaa emang agak pricey, tp packagingnya gemes banget hihi you can get them di drugstores :) thanks babe!
DeleteTrio eyeshadownya warnanya cantik banget ya ^^
The Wonderland by Kartika
iyaa pilihan warnanya bagus hihi :D
DeletePackagingnya yaampun. Imut elegant, gabisa tdr rekomendasi produk disini bagus bagussds