Wednesday, February 7, 2018

[MAKEUP TUTORIAL] : Chinese New Year 2018

Hello gorgeous, what's up! It's been so long since my last post, sorry about that, because I'm trying to finish my thesis on time. So here I am, sending loves and greetings to you, since it's about chinese new year already! 

Well, time surely flies super fast. Feels like I just had my first blogpost not too long ago, and next week we're having Chinese New Year Celebration! Chinese new year or also known as Spring Festival or Lunar New Year, is an important Chinese festival at the turn of traditional Chinese calendar. It usually runs from evening preceding the first day to the lantern festival on the 15th day of first month. 

Many of you must have celebrated this tradition for years, and yet, don't know the story behind this (it's okay girls, I've been through it too) so here I am to tell you about the mythology. According to legends, the beginning of this Spring festival was a mythical beast called Nian. Nian would eat villagers, especially children. One year, the villagers went hide from the beast. Then an old man came before the villagers went into hide, and told the villagers that he will stay the night and get revenge on Nian. They all thought the man was insane. But then in the morning, they all went back to their home and yet nothing was destroyed. The villagers thought the man was a deity. Then after that, they understood that Nian was afraid of red color and loud noises. So when new year about to come, all the villagers would wear red clothes, hang red lanterns, and red spring scrolls on windows and doors. From then on, Nian never came again. 

Based on the story, what comes first to my mind was : red. Make a look with mostly red color. But then, isn't it will be too simple and ordinary? Everyone wears red on Chinese New Year Celebration anyway, and me too. Why don't we create something different? Then again, I decided to do something outside the box. I decided to create an oranged- based look. Are you girls curious about this one? Read till the end, how I created this pretty and adorable look! PS: you can also wear this make up look to CNY party and meet your colleagues ;p

[base : max factor facefinity 3in1 foundation]
As for this occasion, usually on Chinese New Year we held open house and family gathering, which takes a whole day. So damn true, a whole day from wake up till I sleep still doing the "silaturahmi" stuff. Meeting my family from Indonesia and other country, kiong hee, and even do video call with those who can't come to Indonesia. This will be super tiring and of course less time on doing re-make up or even touch up. So I'd like to choose something light (so it won't harm my skin) and of course something that has skincare will be a great choice! I applied only one thin layer of this foundation and so let's move on to the next step. Anyway , I'm using the bright color (forgot the shade name but this one's the brightest)

[Eyebrow powder : Focallure]
After that, I create a natural eyebrows using eyebrow cake. I want to create something more natural but still last for a whole day. This brow powder is a good choice (or you can use any other brand that you have). On my eyebrows, is only the dark brown color. I added some touch of the black ones on the outer edges and brush on the inner side, so it'll create some kind of 3D illusion #Imnotblackmagic haha.

[Face Powder : Make Over]
To set all my face , I use this make over powder. Actually it's a contouring powder set which consists of two color : brown and light shade. But the light one totally suits my skin color so I just use it as my daily face powder. Anyway, it's needed to set our face with powder so when we do eyemakeup (for example) the fall outs (if there's any) can be swiped easily. 

[Eye Makeup : Morphe 35u eyeshadow + japanese brand eye liner tattoo]
As for eye makeup, I choose orange-based colors. Something less shimmery will be great to put on the outer side like crease and outer corner, something lighter and sparkling will be good to put on the eyelids, and lastly something white or super light suits the best for inner corner. All these colors are from Morphe 35u palette. I do light blending so the color blends really well. After that, I add simple detail using my black eyeliner pen so my eyes will look bigger and more beautiful. Eyeliner wing suits this look the most! Simple and little wing to fly, girls! ;p

[Eyelash : Artisan Pro]
Having no eyelash makes me feels like bald, really. Well, I mean, I have eyelash except for its too tiny and soft. That's why I always use fake eyelashes and some mascara sometimes, to make my eyes look wider and prettier. This part is important, since you can look different with or without eyelashes, and also with different type of eyelashes. On occasions like Lunar New Year, I love to wear something as simple as possible, but it makes me look special. So here's artisan pro eyelashes to complete my eye makeup.

[Lipstick : Maybelline the Powder Mattes]
Of course lipplays a big role on our make up look. I choose to look a bit different, and been loving this real two-toned lips. I love playing with different colors of lipsticks, and this is my fave. Mixing different color base on my lips. Orange and nude makes a good collaboration, right?

[Liquid blush on : A Concept]
One last touch, is my current favorite liquid blush on! This one was created by Aconcept, a brand from Korea and i really love this one. This is "marry me" shade, and it looks super pretty on my cheeks. This gives me natural blush just like when I'm looking at Dilan LOL or my crush. If you want something more intense, you can just add some layers to make the color pop out more.

Here's my final look, what do you think about this? 

According to collaboration with Beautiesquad, here's one of my friend's look for Chinese New Year, Tami Oktari.

There are others too! I had lots of fun doing this collaboration make up with them!

Hope you like this tutorial, and Happy Chinese New Year! See you on next posts :)


  1. Jen lucu banget rambutnya, inget dulu aku jaman SMP sering di gulung gitu sama nenek ku hahaha. Btw aku suka banget sama make upnya terutama eye make upnya, selalu suka sama eyemakeup yang merah-orange gitu keliatan seger ^^

    The Wonderland by Kartikaryani

    1. hihi iya tp kmrn coba bikinnya agak lama :" susah juga ternyata hihi thankyou bebb <3

  2. Lucu banget rambutnya hihihi
    rambutku pendek gak bisa di buat gt :P

    1. hihi thankyou cii, dipanjangin dong rambutnya :D

  3. ahh, simple but cute jen.. eye makeup sama lipsnya bikin seger, rambutnya bikin lucuu dhe..

  4. waaaahhh cute bangett.. ready for CNY banget dehh..

    1. hihi iyanih ngebayangin buat minggu depan ;p thankyou bebb

  5. aku penasaran sama aconcept jugaa, kaya kutex taunya blush ooon

    1. hihi cus dicoba beb, bagus emang jadi natural hehe

  6. Simple natural, cuteeee apalagi rambutnya juga gemez 😂

  7. Si ling ling mau kemanaaaa kok udah cantik aja 😍😍😍😍😍

  8. Replies
    1. kadang pengen bikin look yg bold dewasa but then i always end up creating this kind of look haha

  9. So cuteeee...jd inget anime mamga jadul, dr.Rin hihiiiii

    1. wiii thankyou babe, itu manga apaa haha jadi kepo pengen baca

  10. Makeup nya ‘imlek’ banget, rambutnya juga lucu ! 💗

    1. hehe iyanih kebayang buat makeup pas hari imlek, ngumpul sama keluarga hehe thanks! spent half an hour to style my hair haha

  11. niat awal aku pengen pake rambut gitu juga cuma kependekan wkwkwk gemes deh jen!

    1. SAMAAA hahaha. tapi aku susah ngebentuk bun yang rapih hiksss

    2. yaaah sayang sekali ahaha tapi emang perjuangan banget gais bikin bun begini. srsly wkwk next time kembaran bun! ;p

  12. aaah too cute.. dari hairdo sama baju nya cocok banget buat tema chinese new year! #kbbvmember

    1. awww thanks! yang kebayang langsung cheongsam hehe

  13. hairdo nya lucuu, aku juga kepo sama foundi max factornya :) sudha ada review lengkapnya kah?


  14. Wah ditambah rambut dan bajunya jadi keliatan cici cici banget, cantiikk kaaakkk ^^


  15. cute banget jentann iiih sukaaa<3

  16. Natural makeup to celebrate the new year yah Jen ^^ #kbbvmember

    1. hehe iyanih kak nin, i always wanted to create bold look tapi end up nya gini lagi hahaha

  17. jentannn aku suka sama eyemakeup sama rambutnya lucuuu bangett hehe

  18. Eyelash favorite emng si artisan pro 😍

    1. iyaaah artisan ini ketje bener hihi udah gt ringan bgt dipakenyaa

  19. cantik.. rambutnya ngingetin aku sama film jaman dulu lupa tp judulnya hihi..
    thanks for sharing!

  20. Lucuuu, hasil makeupnya suka 😍😍😍

  21. Kyaa pake marry me!
    Suka banget sama makeupnya jen!

    1. nyaaaaw tau jugak, pasti pengguna a concept juga yaa ;p hihi thanks kak!

  22. Waaa ada wajahku terpampang di situ hehe btw makeup looknya cantik jen^^ aku jd pengen coba liquid blush on nya hehe~


    1. hihi iyaniih ;p sicantik tami! you can get the blush on at & lagi ada promo free ongkir sampe tgl 25 feb buruaaan hihi

  23. Rambutnya cuteeee CNY banget deeeh. ❤️

  24. suka deh sama hair do nya


  25. gemesin bangeeet, make up dan hair do nya cucok #kbbvmember

  26. Replies
    1. hihi maaciw kak dwi *finally there's someone who says i'm cute* wkwkw

  27. Look keseluruhannya baguus, outfitnya pas, hairdo nya lucuu

  28. looking so cute here, minta angpao hehehehe


    1. doain aku cepet merit biar bisa bagi angpao haha ;p

  29. Wow, I think the blush on was a nail polish because of the packaging. hehe.
    Anyway, your makeup looks is sooo cute Jen <3

    1. ahaha iyaa at first i thought so! it's super cute righttt haha thanks kak lauchi!

  30. ternyata itu blush on ? kirain gincuuu hihihi

    1. yuppp that's a liquid blush on hihi supercute rightttt

  31. Makeup-nya cocok banget sama Jenni. Hair do-nya juga cukmey, gemes!

  32. Cece jenn imut banget disiniii <3

  33. jenni bikin aku inget sama Pucca hihi. Cute!
    Anyway I've followed your blog. Nice to know you! :))

    1. one of my best friend said the same thing!! hahaha thanks babe i'll follow you too

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